WHAT'S GOING ON HERE: Heritage Union Hotel in Newmarket expected to be used as offices
Plan offers adaptive re-use of heritage buildings on Main Street and Davis Drive
Nov. 13, 2020
Aileen Zangouei
You’ve probably seen the “Coming soon” signs posted at the northeast corner of Main Street and Davis Drive in Newmarket.
That’s because the buildings there, known as the Union Hotel, are currently expected to be used for offices as an adaptive re-use of the heritage buildings, according to a representative from the town.
The Planning and Building department of the town said the heritage components of the building are in the process of being reviewed by the town, as part of issuing a building permit for the renovations.
The time for completion of the development is determined by the applicant.
Mayor John Taylor gave this comment about the development:
“We are so excited to know that the Union Hotel buildings will soon be repurposed and renovated while protecting their heritage features. Newmarket is proud to support heritage preservation and proud to see another step forward in the exciting redevelopment of our Davis Drive corridor.”