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Markham resident aims to scare up donations for food bank this Halloween

#YorkCOVIDween: Effects of the pandemic will carry on for months to come for those having difficulty putting food on the table, says organizer of curbside drop off for food bank
Oct. 27, 2020
Heidi Riedner

All Hallows Eve is usually considered a candy sweepstakes, but scaring up some staples for those in need this Halloween is the goal of one Markham area resident.

“The Daily Bread Food Bank is hurting this year and the effects of the pandemic will carry on for months to come affecting those having difficulty,” says Lindsey Warne.

Warne is running a curb side drop off Oct. 31 where residents can donate non-perishable food items in the bin next to the curb located at 36 Reesorville Road from 4 to 9 p.m.

Daily Bread distributes fresh and shelf-stable food every day to its 135 member agencies.

It believes that access to food is a basic human right, not a privilege, and that no one should go hungry.

If you can help, add a drive-by drop off to your pumpkin parade this Halloween.