WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Slowdowns in store on Vaughan's Islington Avenue for roadway improvements
Construction project from Steeles Avenue to Hwy. 7 to start Aug. 31
August 31, 2020
John Cudmore
Construction on Islington Avenue in Vaughan starts Aug. 31 to make roadway improvements, according to the Regional Municipality of York.
- The stretch of roadway between Hwy. 7 and Steeles Avenue will undergo a removal of asphalt covering prior to the laying of new asphalt.
- Additionally, the project will include the installation of pedestrian accessibility features including push buttons, curb depressions and tactile, or raised walkways.
- During construction, Islington Avenue will remain open to traffic and access to residences and businesses will be maintained.
- However, to accommodate construction, temporary lane reductions may be required between Monday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- To accommodate paving, lane restrictions will be in place between 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- Roadwork is expected to be completed in the late fall.
- For more information about this project, visit the Islington Avenue Project page on the region's website