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No mandatory facemasks for TTC yet: Mayor
June 4, 2020

Toronto is still not mandating facemasks for TTC passengers, despite moves to expand their compulsory use by the federal transport ministry.

On Wednesday, Federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau expanded the use of non-medical masks on planes, trains and ships in an effort to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.

As of noon Thursday, masks are mandatory for airline flight crews and airport workers, and workers in the marine and railway industries will be required to wear them when social distancing isn’t possible.

As well, rail passengers will also be required to wear masks if ordered by the transit operator, or if social distancing can’t be maintained.

Toronto Mayor John Tory reiterated the city’s position of urging passengers to mask-up before taking a ride, but again stopped short of making them mandatory.

“We have yet to make a decision, but we’re actively looking at the law, as I’ve mentioned previously, to see in what way we could best issue such an order,” he said Wednesday during the city’s COVID-19 news breifing. “It will have to cover the question of whether you can enforce something like this in a practical sense.”

TTC union wants passengers to wear masks as businesses prepare to re-open
On Monday, Ottawa became the first city in Canada to make masks mandatory for all transit passengers.

Garneau said both provinces and municipalities will be involved in the establishment of such policies for public transit.