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Traffic calming coming to Stouffer Street in Stouffville this spring

Residents had raised concerns about the intersection of Stouffer and Thicketwood Boulevard near Summitview Public School
February 6, 2020
Simon Martin

Traffic calming measures are coming to Stouffer Street and Thicketwood Boulevard in Stouffville.

The move comes after residents in the area contacted the town regarding concerns related to traffic volumes and safety. The town will be putting traffic delineators on Stouffer in the spring.

Traffic delineators are flexible, in-road traffic calming signs that are installed in the centre of the road between opposing traffic lanes. They are designed to withstand impacts from, and avert damage to, vehicles if struck by collapsing and rebounding.

The Town conducted a traffic survey and found the intersection didn't warrant a four-way stop.

The news was welcome for local resident Deb Popa.

"Most parents are feeling like at least the traffic delineators are a step in the right direction," she said.

The study was conducted in November and ran between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. for seven days. In total, approximately 7,873 vehicles travelled through the intersection during the study and approximately 607 pedestrians were counted in the same period.

Staff reviewed the available collision data for this intersection obtained from York Regional Police over the past eight years and found no reported collisions.