WHAT'S GOING ON HERE: Stinky business in Oak Ridges due to tank cleaning
Region of York facility cleaning may result in bad smell until Nov. 3
November 4, 2019
Kim Zarzour
Residents in Oak Ridges have complained over the years about stinky odours, but in the afternoon of Nov. 1, some people were noticing more sewage smell than usual on Yonge Street.
Here’s what’s going on:
Just the facts
The Region of York says the odours are due to chemical tank cleaning.
The morning of Nov. 1, the region shut down the tank at the Newmarket Sewage Pumping Station at 380 Bayview Pkwy.
The chemical tank contains ferrous chloride, which reduces sanitary sewer odour in the towns of Newmarket and Aurora and the City of Richmond Hill.
A spokesperson for the region says this cleaning is "vital work", and while it is making every effort to minimize sanitary odours, there may be more smells coming from the sanitary maintenance hole located at Yonge Street and North Lake Road in the City of Richmond Hill.
The tank cleaning will happen over the next two days, with an expected completion date of Nov. 3.
The region says there is no impact to your water or wastewater services.