WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Transformation of Richmond Hill's Leslie Street north of Elgin Mills
There will be lane width reductions during off-peak hours
Nov. 26, 2019
Simone Joseph
We’ve published stories about improvements on Leslie Street, especially from Elgin Mills Road to 19th Avenue, and thought it was time to re-examine this part of the city.
Current work: Right now, work is taking place on the east side, just north of Elgin Mills to about half a kilometre north of this area.
How this affects you: Leslie Street remains open during peak hours in both directions. There will be lane width reductions during off-peak hours (9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) for construction. Travellers may experience impacts to their travel time during these off-peak hours.
Budget: The budget for the project is $17.1 million.
Result: When Leslie Street has been transformed, it will include the following improvements:
Road improvements are expected to be completed by summer 2021.
Updates: For construction updates, go to york.ca/roadconstruction.