The Canadian City Parks Report
Highlighting the trends, challenges, and leading practices in 23 Canadian cities to inspire action, share learning, and track progress in city parks across the country.
Sept. 26, 2019
The Canadian City Parks Report takes a close look at the trends, challenges, and opportunities facing city parks, tracked annually through key indicators and stories. Its goal is to inform and inspire city staff, community members, professionals, politicians, and non-profits by highlighting leading-edge Canadian practices and tracking the pulse of city parks.
By speaking with Canadian cities, it was clear there was a gap in sharing information about city park data and practices. This report seeks to fill that gap through the discussion and monitoring of city parks in key thematic areas. It’s not intended to be an all-encompassing encyclopedia of city parks in Canada. Nor is it designed to measure operational efficiencies or management practices (see Yardstick and the Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada.)
As the first edition, this year is both a pilot and temperature check. While new trends will emerge every year, in this first report we’re establishing baselines that we will track annually. We’re also testing our methodology--did we ask the right questions in the right way? Did we focus on the right stories? We’ll be asking for your feedback to help us make this report better each year.
Read the full report here: