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Mayor John Tory to be off work following Achilles tendon surgery  
July 24, 2019
David Rider

Mayor John Tory is undergoing surgery Wednesday to reconstruct an injured Achilles tendon.

Tory, 65, said an old leg injury flared up, causing him to visibly limp last fall and, for a time, wear a walking boot. Doctors at Humber River Hospital will repair the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel.

The mayor on Tuesday confessed to being “a bit apprehensive” about going under general anesthetic for the first time and warnings that he’ll have to stay off his feet for about two weeks.

“I’m in the hands of good doctors and they’ll look after me, I’m sure,” Tory said, adding the most difficult part will be keeping weight off his leg when he likes to be busy. He joked his staff will get even more calls and emails and said he will have a video link with his office.

Once up and around, Tory expects to use a knee stroller and crutches for an extended period.

Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong will assume mayoral duties during Tory’s absence.