Let’s go Raptors!
July 2, 2019
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued this statement following a flag-raising ceremony on May 30 to celebrate the Toronto Raptors’ spot in the NBA Finals: “People in Vaughan and across the country are uniting in excitement for the Toronto Raptors as they head into their first-ever NBA finals this week. After an electric Game 6 win against the Milwaukee Bucks, the Raptors have made history by becoming the first-ever Canadian team to compete for the coveted NBA championship. I join with fans in Vaughan and Canada in wishing our team the very best for a successful series against the Golden State Warriors. We will be watching every game and cheering for our team every step of the way. An event of this magnitude has the power to unite millions of Canadians from coast to coast to coast. This is the true magic of sports and we are thrilled to enthusiastically participate." For more information visit www.vaughan.ca/news/Pages/Mayor-Bevilacqua-cheers-on-the-Toronto-Raptors.aspx.