WHAT'S GOING ON HERE: Elgin Mills Greenway Rejuvenated
July 19, 2019
Simone Joseph
We wrote about Elgin Mills Greenway construction last year. Fast forward to today: it’s green and looks rejuvenated.
- Damage: Extreme storm and high-flowing water in 2013 and 2014 caused severe erosion which led to a partially collapsed trail and structurally unsound bridge. To ensure resident safety, a temporary wood chip trail was built to redirect pedestrians
- Impact: Part of Elgin Mills Greenway was closed
- Location: Greenway town-owned, near Twickenham Park, south of Shaftsbury Avenue, between St. Theresa of Lisieux School, Elgin West Community Centre
- Vision: Includes trails, lookout as part of 15-year Greening the Hill environmental strategy
- Unique Design: * Mimics look and feel of naturalized valley land system
- Project received 2018 Ontario Public Works Association Project of the Year Award
- Work: Built storm water infrastructure and boardwalk. Relocated storm water pond to north end of Greenway; built detention pond; added filter to improve water quality entering stream
- Construction: Began late January 2018; substantially completed by spring 2019.
- Cost: Approximately $2.6 million
For more information: https://www.richmondhill.ca