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Mayor celebrates Motion Boys Basketball team's historic victory overseas
July 11, 2019

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the following statement today to celebrate the Motion Boys Basketball team's recent international championship and welcome them to Vaughan City Hall:

"Congratulations to the grade five Motion Boys Basketball team for being the first Canadian team in history to win the Annual Minibasket in Piazza Tournament in Matera, Italy. You are now international champions and have represented Canada with pride.

"The Motion Boys Basketball team, coached by Erue White, Andrew Stunt, Chris Campbell, Jason Hamilton and Filippo Gravina, was one of 58 teams from around the world registered in the international competition. Winning all seven of their games, they defeated the well-known Italian team, Bees Pesaro, in the championship final to take home the cup.

"The City of Vaughan is proudly taking steps to ensure that basketball is an accessible sport for all in our community. The City's Parks Development department continues to make improvements to several basketball courts around Vaughan, including renewal of playing surfaces, line painting, and new posts, backboards and hoops, where required.

"Support for basketball and recreational services remains at the heart of Vaughan's forward-looking city-building efforts.

"Additional basketball courts are regularly included in designs for new parks, in alignment with the Active Together Master Plan - the City's strategic plan for parks, recreation and libraries. The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, the city's emerging downtown core, will be home to the new PwC Tower - featuring the first-ever YMCA facility in Vaughan, which will offer extensive community basketball programs.

"After a successful pilot, the City's Recreation Services department is once again offering the Just for YOUth program, which includes extended youth drop-in hours at Al Palladini and Dufferin Clark community centres. The program provides youth the opportunity to take part in pick-up basketball in both gymnasiums, among other activities.

"I am honoured to celebrate the Motion Boys Basketball team's victory today at Vaughan City Hall, especially at a time when basketball is being celebrated widely across this great country. We have seen its undeniable impact in rallying a nation.

"Vaughan is a proud sporting community providing more than 900 recreational individual and team athletic opportunities for citizens of all ages. This was evident with our successful Jurassic Park Vaughan viewing parties. Thousands of residents came together at Vaughan City Hall to cheer on the Toronto Raptors during the 2019 NBA Finals. It was another example of the strong civic pride that thrives in our city.

"Teamwork is a valuable skill that builds character and trust.

"For many of the players on the Motion Boys Basketball team, this may have been their first time leaving the country, flying overseas and competing on an international level.

"It is not easy to be away from family and the comforts of home; however, this tournament provided the teammates with the unique opportunity to learn about themselves, to experience what life is like in another part of the world and to take a step toward gaining their independence.

"My hope is that each athlete enjoyed their experience in Italy, as you have all made Canada proud."