Mayor Bevilacqua celebrates Agostino Park expansion
June 28, 2019
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the following statement to mark the official opening of the Agostino Park expansion:
"As our city continues to grow, we will continue making investments in green initiatives, such as today's official opening of the Agostino Park expansion.
"In Vaughan, we are committed to planning a city that places the health and well-being of citizens at the heart of everything we do.
"We offer countless opportunities for citizens to get outside, embrace the great outdoors and exercise both the mind and body.
"In Vaughan, we remain committed to safeguarding our natural environment and maximizing opportunities for residents to enjoy our city's parks, trails and other outdoor facilities. There are more than 230 kilometres of signed cycling and pedestrian routes as well as 705 hectares of City parks and tableland woodlots throughout Vaughan.
"Vaughan is truly a green city.
"I encourage you to explore the wonderful expansion of Agostino Park and its new senior soccer field, walkway connection to the playground, basketball court and mini soccer field.
"We are dedicated to championing a healthier and greener environment that will continue to elevate life in our city for all residents, businesses and visitors.
"To ensure sustainability for future generations, we are focused on sound environmental values, including reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, planting trees and creating pollinator habitats.
"I encourage all Vaughan citizens, as well as visitors to our community, to take advantage of the many programs and activities we provide.
"I would like to thank the many people who helped see the Agostino Park expansion project through to completion. Today's event is an example of our commitment to accessibility, sustainability and active living.