WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?: Water main cleaning in Newmarket
Water main flushing takes place throughout the year
May 7, 2019
Amanda Persico
You may have noticed the local fire hydrant running like a faucet. Throughout the year, the Town of Newmarket conducts water main swabbing and unidirectional hydrant flushing.
Just the Facts:
- The water main swabbing helps to clean up sediment buildup in the town's water mains;
- Swabbing is done by the town, York Region and contractor Corix;
- The process includes inserting a foam sponge or swab into the water main through a fire hydrant and pushing it through the water main using high water pressure. As it passes through, the swab clears any sediment, mineral deposits and biofilm built up in the water main. The swab is then pushed up and released through another fire hydrant;

- Water mains and hydrants are swabbed about once a year;
- The budget is about $150,000 per year, which includes staff time, swabbing reports and equipment;
- Surrounding residents might may experience a temporary slight drop in water pressure and some water discolouration. Residents can run the faucet for a short time after testing is complete to clear the water.