What's Going on Here?: Leslie St., St. John's Sdrd. construction in Aurora
Lane restrictions in place until Feb. 1
Jan 23, 2019
Amanda Persico
Construction at the Leslie Street and St. John’s Sideroad intersection will cause some traffic disruption and lane closures.
Just the facts:
- Lane restrictions will be in place from Jan. 28 to Feb. 1--motorists may experience traffic delays;
- The northbound left-turn lane on Leslie Street will be removed, and all traffic will be using the single northbound lane;
- The westbound left-turn lane on St. John’s Sideroad will be removed, and all traffic will be using the westbound lane;
- Current work includes building a trench across the Leslie Street and St. John’s Sideroad intersection, in order to build a sanitary sewer;
- This is part of the region’s widening Leslie Street from two to four lanes between Wellington Street in Aurora and Mulock Drive in Newmarket, which started in 2015 and is expected be complete in summer 2019;
- The final design for Leslie Street and St. John’s Sideroad includes widening both roads to be two lanes in both directions, enhanced street lighting, adding bike lanes, building sidewalks and multi-use pathways, and updating traffic signals and signal timing;
- Remaining work along Leslie Street includes: installing a storm sewer and building two pedestrian underpasses that will connect with future trail systems. One pedestrian underpass is located just south of the Newmarket-Aurora border and will connect to a future trial network on the north side of St. John’s Sideroad, and the other pedestrian underpass is north of State Farm Way and will connect to the employment lands in the First Commerce Drive area.