Richmond Hill to push forward with intensification, housing development
Final votes are expected to take place at the council meeting Jan. 28.
Jan 23, 2019
Sheila Wang
For better or worse, the new council is taking its vision for Richmond Hill in a different direction.
Council approved two motions at the committee of the whole meeting on Jan. 21 that would loosen up the restrictions on land development in Richmond Hill.
The two proposals, both put forward by Ward 2 Coun. Tom Muench, dealt with parkland dedication and downtown development, respectively.
Council voted 7 to 2 to pass the motions as Ward 5 Coun. Karen Cilevitz and Ward 4 Coun. David West voted against both.
Final votes are expected to take place on Jan. 28.
Muench’s first motion proposed a cap on the amount of cash developers are required to pay for each unit they build in lieu of parkland.
Once finalized by council, the new amendment will allow developers to pay up to $10,000 for each multi-residential unit they build, and up to $11,500 for each unit in stacked and townhouse developments during the period of Dec. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2021.
The second motion repeals the Downtown Local Centre Secondary Plan for the Downtown Local Centre, which was approved in 2017 after lengthy public consultation.
It cited that landowners in downtown area objected to the height and density limits set in the existing secondary plan and the requirements to provide a linked system of courtyards that are intended to create connected “pedestrian-oriented and shared spaces” along Yonge Street.
A number of delegates--landowners and the building and development industry--spoke to council at the meeting in support of the two motions.