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Matthew, Ava & Arianna's Fundraiser on Behalf of Caritas School of Life
December 3, 2018

Matthew Newman (10), Ava Rosso (13), Arianna Macieri (13) and a team of volunteers were able to raise $9,000 for the Caritas Foundation- a Vaughan based charity that serves and supports men and women 16 years of age and older who struggle with mental illness and/or addiction. It was a truly amazing night on November 8 at Cavallino Wine Bar with incredible support. Some corporate contributions included, The Downsview Group, Rea Foods, West Village Dentistry, Zip Blue Environmental, Rosenswig McRae Thorpe, Cavallino Wine Bar and many more. Additionally, 9-year-old Olivia Rosso and 13-year-old Kayla Gurdon donated their very own artwork to help raise funds.
The evening saw 14-year-old Alessandro Casbarro receive an award for raising over $11K for Caritas’ Ride or Walk for Recovery. A truly amazing young man, Alessandro is currently a grade 9 student at Father Bressani Catholic High School. Alessandro has been an active volunteer on numerous political campaigns and aspires to be in public office one day. Additionally, he enjoys tracking sports statistics and plays chess regularly.
The other award recipient, Frances Tibollo, was recognized for her humanitarian work. Frances is a litigation lawyer in Woodbridge, Ontario and previously worked for the Office of the Prosecution for the United Nations Special Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials. In February 2018, Frances successfully negotiated the release and safe return of two Canadian girls who were wrongfully accused and imprisoned in Cambodia.