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Styles Q. Weinberg, Vaughan Ward 4 candidate

September 19, 2018

Born in Toronto, June 28, 1953, I am what you call a true baby boomer. Growing up, I first attended Jewish parochial schools and eventually switched to the public school system. I attended the University of Toronto, where I studied political science. I have lived in Vaughan since 1997, including my present Ward 4 location for over 15 years.

My working background was in three areas.

I was privileged to work for Air Canada, starting in the baggage department and eventually working up to the commissary division, where I had an opportunity to travel the world for 15 years.

I also owned and operated several successful nightclubs including The Pink Cadillac, Rockers, The Spotlight and The Mix.

The experience of owning and operating In Style Jeanswear in York University for seven years led me to owning and operating my current business, Styles Q. Marketing and Promotions, based in Vaughan.

As a member of the Conservative parties (both federal and provincial) and local organizations, I have extensive knowledge of the political system at every level.

My charity work has raised in excess of $100,000 for the Canadian Diabetes Association and the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital.

My diverse experience in life and business makes me the obvious choice to represent Ward 4.

Living in the Ward, which I believe is imperative, I share all of the concerns that affect my fellow residents. Knowing and experiencing the concerns is vital to finding solutions:

Ask yourself this question: “Are you in a better position now than you were 15 years ago?”  Think about that when you are sitting in traffic or paying your taxes.

Vote Styles Q. Weinberg