.Corp Comm Connects

Hey Newmarket, have your say with the town's new online tool

Topics include protection of trees on private property, traffic

July 5, 2018
Teresa Latchford

The Town of Newmarket is making it more convenient to have your say.

Newmarket has just announced the launch of a new digital engagement platform, Hey Newmarket, to help residents get involved in town projects and initiatives from the comfort of their own home, rather than attending a physical meeting to provide feedback and comments.

“We often hear from our residents that they would like to be more involved in the community but they just don’t have the time to attend public meetings,” Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen said.

The new tool allows those registered to easily have their say on a variety of projects affecting the community through the completion of polls, question-and-answer segments, surveys, idea sharing opportunities and discussion forums.

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Current topics include protection of trees on private property, Newmarket’s traffic calming on-street bollards project and the ‘hidden gems’ of Newmarket.

The site does not allow anonymous comments and is monitored 24-7.

Comments and ideas will be used by the town to help shape strategies, plans and activities, while gaining insight into the community’s views and opinions.

Residents who register with heynewmarket.ca from now until July 31 will be entered into a draw for one month of free membership at the Magna Centre.