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Richmond Hill mosquito trap tests positive for West Nile virus

The trap was located at Leslie Street and Major Mackenzie Drive East

July 15, 2018
Laura Finney

A mosquito trap in Richmond Hill has tested positive for West Nile virus.

The Regional Municipality of York monitors the virus activity by setting mosquito traps throughout the region.

To date, one mosquito trap at Leslie Street and Major Mackenzie Drive East has tested positive.

“West Nile virus is passed to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito and can cause serious illness,” said Dr. Karim Kurji, York Region’s medical officer of health. “Although the chance of being bitten by an infected mosquito is rare, residents are advised to take precautions when outside in the early morning and evening to prevent mosquito bites and reduce the chance of getting West Nile virus.”

The Region is offering these tips:

York Region’s 2018 West Nile virus control plan includes educating residents on self-protection, investigating human cases, conducting surveillance and treating catch basins.

York Region Public Health uses larvicides in catch basins to control mosquito breeding along Regional and municipal roads and other stagnant public water sources, including roadside ditches. Private backyard catch basins are treated upon request.

To review the current status of West Nile virus in Ontario, visit: publichealthontario.ca/en/DataAndAnalytics/Pages/WNV.aspx.

For more information on West Nile virus, contact York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653, TTY 1-866-512-6228 or visit york.ca/westnile.  Â