City of Thunder Bay introduces new bylaw for 'application-based services like Uber'
The new vehicle-for-hire bylaw replaces Police Services Board by-laws
June 26, 2018
The new vehicle-for-hire bylaw will replace previous Police Services Board by-laws, which required police to approve drivers and vehicles before the City issued appropriate licenses.
"The new by-law introduces a new type of licence -- a designated driver business licence," Licensing and Enforcement Division Manager, James Coady said in a written release.
Under the new by-law, drivers are required to get a police records check, obtain a proof of a valid driver's licence with two years of driving experience, a driver's abstract directly from the Ministry of Transportation and proof that they can legally work in Canada.
"This process captures existing taxi and limousine-type services, and also new application-based services like Uber and designated driver services," Coady said.
The new by-law will also require vehicle safety checks, ages and odometer readings. Drivers must also bring their Safety Standards Certificates and insurance information to the City's Licensing and Enforcement office before obtaining a proper licence.
Ride share businesses and designated drivers services will also require a Vehicle for Hire Brokers Licence, as drivers who violate the new by-law could face a fine of up to $100,000.