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York school board pledges to fight hate head on
A letter sent home with 123,000 students and staff promises schools will be “safe, caring and inclusive spaces for everyone” following a tumultuous year.
Sept. 11, 2017
Noor Javed

One year ago, the York Region District School Board was reeling from complaints of anti-Black racism, Islamophobia and a mass exodus of senior staff amidst accusations the board was “anti-equity.”

But this year, the board is determined to fight hate head on.

As students and staff returned to school last week, the board says it is actively working to “change the narrative,” to correct last year’s mistakes and to address the hateful rhetoric and graffiti that has turned up at York schools over the summer.

In the first few days of school, board administrators sent a letter to staff and home with 123,000 students promising to work to make schools “safe, caring and inclusive spaces for everyone,” and urged the community to “take a strong stance against all forms of hate.”

“We cannot predict what will happen in the future, but we know that it is essential that we are prepared to talk and listen to our colleagues and to our students in a manner that is thoughtful and respectful,” says a letter signed by board chair Loralea Carruthers and interim board director Kathi Wallace.

“We must be both committed and prepared to name anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia, homophobia and all forms of hate whenever and however they are expressed. Staying silent about incidents of hate and intolerance is not an option.”

Carruthers said the joint letter was a way for the board to let community members know they can talk about their fears and concerns openly, in light of events south of the border and closer to home.

In June, anti-Semitic and anti-Black graffiti was sprayed on the walls of Woodbridge College in Vaughan. Last month, graffiti was found at three schools in Markham. And just last week, more anti-Semitic graffiti was seen in King City along Highway 400, in the vicinity of a school.

“As adults we need to stand firmly against hate and ensure that our kids know that it’s not OK,” said Carruthers. “Whether you’re a principal or a parent, we need to call it out when we see it and respond appropriately,” Carruthers said.

The change in tone comes after a tumultuous year at the York board that ended with the minister of education launching a review into concerns around the mishandling of incidents of racism, Islamophobia and what many described as a culture of fear among those doing equity work.

As a result of the scathing report published in April, Education Minister Mitzie Hunter issued 22 directives, including to create a human rights office and mandatory diversity training to all staff and trustees.

On Thursday, Hunter said she was pleased with the progress the board had made so far.

“I’ve certainly provided the board with the 22 directions which they are following and implementing,” she said. “I know that they’ve placed a human rights (commissioner), so they are doing that work, and I expect them to continue to do so.”

She also said “with further submissions expected from the board in the coming months, we continue to closely monitor the board’s progress and compliance with each direction.”

The new Human Rights Commissioner, Anthony Anirud, says his goal is to “infuse human rights values” into the organization.

“First and foremost is to have a comprehensive human rights conflict resolution process that is clear and transparent and fair . . . and people who are engaged in the process walk away feeling like they have been heard,” said Anirud, who says his office, which is starting to build its framework, will be open to complaints from parents, students and staff.

“The previous challenges here are part of the conversation, but its time to move forward,” he said.

Cecil Roach, the superintendent of education, equity and community services, who was forced to hire a lawyer last year to speak out about the board’s failure to adequately deal with racism, says the board is “on a new path.”

“We are definitely on a new path. It’s a good path. It’s a path where teachers and staff feel that they are free to do equity work without fear. There is no longer a culture of fear,” said Roach, adding principals, office staff and managers and board leaders will be offered equity and human rights training this month.

Roach says continuing along this path will also depend on the next director. In April, the former school board director J. Philip Parapally was dramatically dismissed with cause after investigators determined he played a crucial role in the toxic environment at the board.

This time around the board has opened the process to parents and community members who are encouraged to give input on what qualities they would like in a new director. Their input will help trustees make an informed decision when choosing the next leader this fall, said Carruthers.

She said while many of the board’s actions have been in response to the minister’s directives, the letter was written out of “genuine concern.”

“The letter comes from the same place of genuine concern for our students and what they are going through,” said Carruthers. “We need to put ourselves in the shoes of marginalized kids who are looking for a safe space and see the world through their eyes. It’s frightening and confusing. We need to be there for them to comfort and protect and be their advocate.”