YRT Dial-A-Ride service changes effective Aug. 1
July 27, 2017
Ali Raza
York Region Transit’s Dial-a-Ride service has a few changes starting Aug. 1.
Dial-a-Ride, an on-request transit service for certain routes during specific hours, is offered as part of the full YRT system.
Its new changes won’t disrupt service, but are important to note: customers must now call 60 minutes in advance of the trip instead of 30 minutes, small adjustments have been made to service hours for each dial-a-ride service, and Routes 10, 40, 41, 52, and 58 will be renamed.
The phone number for Dial-a-Ride is posted on YRT bus stops.
Additional updates have been made to payment forms. As of Aug. 1, all forms of payment will be accepted on Dial-a-Ride routes including PRESTO, paper tickets, monthly passes, Pay app, and exact cash.
Riders can visit yrt.ca/servicechanges to review changes that may affect travel plans.