Corp Comm Connects

New Markham OP partially approved

April 26, 2017

In an April 18 decision arising from a March 10 prehearing conference, board member Gerald Swinkin disposed of several matters regarding appeals to the City of Markham’s new official plan.

A five-part motion was filed by the city. One part was to correct administrative errors within a prior partial approval order of the board. The motion was unopposed by affected appellants and the board agreed to
rectify the errors in a new order.

The second part was to request a reconfirmation of another prior partial approval order that implemented settlement agreements with three appellants. The third part dealt with the scoping of various appeals to be considered on an area or site specific basis.

The fourth part of the motion requested the disposition of appeals by HS Nouvel Developments and Corrado Gazze Holdings as they had been resolved based on approved modifications to the new official plan. City planner Murray Boyce provided an affidavit in this regard.

Fifth, the motion requested further partial approval of policies, maps and appendices of the new official plan which, based on the scoping and settlements achieved to date, are no longer being appealed on a city-wide basis, but retaining any site or area specific appeals.

Going forward, the remaining appeals have been organized into 10 groups. The board scheduled hearing dates beginning October 11 for places of worship issues (Group D), and January 29 through March 9, 2018 for environmental systems and intensification/ retail policies (Groups C and E).