Vaughan backyard cabana approved
March 15, 2017
In a March 3 decision, board member Anne Milchberg allowed an appeal by Frank Principe against the City of Vaughan committee of adjustment’s refusal of his minor variance application.
Frank sought variances to construct a backyard pool cabana at 23 Fermar Drive.
Planner Claudio Brutto (Brutto Consulting) provided evidence on behalf of Principe in support of his appeal. He testified that the requested variances satisfy the requirements of the Planning Act and represent good planning.
Adjacent neighbours Giorgio and Nella Dispenza attended the hearing in opposition to a requested variance on the location of an already-installed pool heater and filter that would need variance relief to become legal. Brutto agreed to relocate the equipment in response to concerns raised by the Dispenzas that noise and fumes interfered with their reasonable enjoyment of their property.
The board agreed with Brutto’s evidence in support of the requested variances and allowed the appeal.
Solicitor Gerard Borean (Parente Borean) representing Frank Principe was involved in this decision.