Petition calls for Georgina residents to elect Elgie's replacement
Petition calls for Georgina voters to elect Nancy Elgie's replacement
Feb. 27, 2017
Heidi Riedner
An online petition demands Georgina residents get a democratic say in who fills former York Region District School Board trustee Nancy Elgie’s vacant seat.
Keswick resident Cynthia Cordova, who ran for trustee against Elgie in the last municipal election in 2014, believes the roughly 11,000 people who voted in the last election should make the decision and not the 11 remaining school board trustees.
“I believe parents should get to choose. The boardroom belongs to them, not to trustees.”
After a prolonged controversy, 82-year-old Elgie resigned over using a racial slur to refer to a parent.
Cordova started an online petition last week in support of allowing parents in Georgina the right to choose in advance of the March 7 deadline for the board to decide between holding a byelection or appointing a replacement by a vote of trustees.
“When you look at all of the options and possible ways to choose the next trustee, the (board) should choose democracy,” she said.
“Given the controversy at the (board), Georgina parents and ratepayers need to participate in the process in order for the healing process to be meaningful.”
The controversy surrounding Elgie "was just a starting point for the investigation into alleged systemic transparency and governance issues at the board launched by the education minister earlier this month,” Cordova said, adding that will only produce meaningful results if it is carried into the light of day and not swept under the rug.
“We must ensure that the critical issues that have been brought forward remain a focal point until they are addressed. Our board needs to grow and change to meet the needs of our increasingly diverse population.”
Cordova is advocating for increased transparency between the board and the community, open lines of communication, bridging the information gap and integrating shared services with the town, region, York Regional Police and other community partners to provide the best possible education.
"Parents should know what is going on at their public school board … and encouraged to get involved in our board, bringing forth ideas for improvements and any concerns that they have," Cordova said.
If you would like to sign the petition, visit