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Oakville 2017 Operating Budget - Planning revenues down

Jan. 4, 2017
By Leah Wong

With a lower volume of site plan and Subdivision applications than last year anticipated, Oakville has decreased its planning services budget for 2017.

December 12, 2016, Oakville Council approved a $6.638-million gross and $1.582-million net operating budget for planning services in 2017. This reflects a 14.1 per cent decrease from its 2016 net budget. While staff anticipates a decrease in revenues of $249,900 with a lower volume of site plan and subdivision applications expected in 2017, it is filling the gap by transferring $1.8-million from a reserve fund. It is also reducing its staff complement by 0.5 FTE over last year.

This will avoid an increase in property taxes and maintain existing cost recovery ratios.

Planning services allocates its budget to current planning ($3.742-million), policy planning and heritage($1.324-million), urban design ($1.097-million) and administration ($0.473-million). Current planning is responsible for reviewing and processing development applications. Policy planning and heritage develops programs and policies to manage growth, which in 2017 will include the update to the official plan and consolidation of the North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans. Urban design, which ensures the town’s strategic direction is reflected in the built environment, will continue work on design guidelines for the town’s growth areas this year.

Council approved an overall operating budget of $310-million with a 3.21 per cent residential property tax increase. This will result in a 1.99 per cent increase when combined with regional and education tax rates, which is consistent with council’s goal of keeping the overall increase in line with inflation.