Jan. 11, 2017
In a January 6 decision, board member Ian Rowe allowed an appeal by Ivana Zentil against the City of Vaughan committee of adjustment’s refusal of her minor variance application. Zentil sought variances to legalize the existing gazebo on her property at 230 Sylvadene Parkway.
The variances requested by Zentil were to allow the height of the gazebo at 6.06 metres—beyond the 4.5 allowed by the zoning by-law—as well as the maximum total area of 69.79 m2, beyond the 67 allowed. The city did not attend the hearing, nor did any neighbours attend to oppose the appeal.
Planner Paul Johnston (Johnston Litavski) provided evidence on behalf of Zentil in support of her appeal. He testified the requested variances meet the four Planning Act tests and is appropriate for the size of the property.
The board allowed the appeal and authorized the variances.
Solicitors Ira Kagan and Alexandra De Gasperis (Kagan Shastri) representing Ivana Zentil were involved in this decision. [See OMB Case No. PL160611.]