More of Vaughan OP approved
Sept. 28, 2016
In a September 19 decision, board member Jason Chee-Hing allowed three motions by the City of Vaughan to approve parts of the city’s new official plan that had been under appeal.
The city’s first motion sought a board order to modify and approve schedule two of the official plan, which maps out the city’s natural heritage network. Vaughan planner Steve Dixon provided evidence on behalf of the city in support of the motion. The board granted the city’s motion subject to revisions requiring inclusion of an additional schedule and map identifying 35 appeals affected by the city’s natural heritage network.
The city’s second motion sought partial approval of the official plan, relating to 7476 Kipling Avenue, to reflect a settlement reached between Portside Developments (Kipling) and the city in a separate board hearing. Portside’s solicitor Jeffrey Streisfield (Land Law) requested inclusion of the phrase “including pedestrian access” in the pertinent subsection of the natural area designation as it affects Portside’s lands. The board granted the city’s motion.
The third motion sought approval of the offi cial plan with respect to lands that were appealed by the Weston Downs Ratepayers Association, but subsequently withdrawn. The board granted the motion.
Solicitor Bruce Engell (WeirFoulds), acting on behalf of the city, notified the board that 163 appeals of the city’s new official plan have been fi led—55 of which have been settled, leaving 108 to be resolved.
The next prehearing concerning appeals of the Vaughan official plan is scheduled to take place December 12. For a complete list of appellants and solicitors involved in this decision, view the decision online here.