Future Proofing
Sept. 28, 2016
By Leah Wong
Anticipating a growth spurt over the next five to 10 years, the Township of Scugog updated its corporate structure to more effectively align its service areas.
Last week Scugog council approved a corporate realignment plan and directed CAO Paul Allore to launch a core services and service efficiency review. At the same time Scugog’s senior management team will develop a five-year staffing and succession strategy in anticipation of an upcoming wave of retirements.
“The current structure that was in place when I [joined the township], in my opinion, didn’t reflect a logical grouping and needed to be retooled in order to move forward,” said Allore. “For example, recreation was in with land use planning.”
Under the new structure there will continue to be five departments, but they have been re-grouped in a way Allore said better aligns the work they do.
In anticipation of future growth the development services department was created. It combines planning, building permits and inspections, by-law and licensing, economic development and tourism. By moving economic development and tourism into this department this team will become more involved in the township’s growth.
“If they are in a different department or a different area, yes, everyone is working together towards a common goal,” said Allore. “But if you are together with that group day-to-day … and they are under the same umbrella of directorship, they work together more cohesively.”
Allore said this strategy proved effective at the Town of Ajax, where he previously served as planning and development services director. He said having economic development and development services staff working together can streamline the process for businesses trying to set up shop in a municipality.
“Through the realignment we’ll be looking for a streamlined process to take business opportunities in the development area or expansion area and get it through the system in the most effi cient way possible,” said Allore.
The other new department groupings are community services - which consolidated public works, parks, recreation and culture - finance, fire and emergency services, and corporate services.
The corporate realignment also allows staff to create a succession strategy in anticipation of a wave of retirements. Since he was appointed CAO in June, Allore said he’s already had to deal with turnover in the senior management team. By the end of the year four of the six team members will be recent hires.
The staffing strategy will anticipate upcoming retirements and determine whether the township should provide additional training to aid staff members in advancing within the township`s corporate structure in the future.
The new structure will be in place by the end of the year. In 2017 the township will retain a consultant to assist with a core services and service efficiency review.