Traffic-flow trial project will send police to congested intersections
Officers will be stationed at eight key intersections in two four-week trials to target illegal turns and blocked lanes.
June 6, 2016
By Jackie Hong
For one month this summer and another month this fall, Toronto police officers will be stationed at eight key locations to manage traffic flow and safety during morning and afternoon rush hours.
The first of the four-week trials in the pilot project begins June 13. It will cost the city $250,000 to hire the off-duty officers through the paid-duty program.
“We’re taking action to keep Toronto moving by targeting some of our most congested intersections,” Tory said in a news release Monday. “Traffic assistant personnel will improve the flow of traffic by directing traffic, making sure vehicles don’t block intersections, and stopping illegal left turns.”
Tory said that, if the pilot proves effective, the traffic managers could become permanent. He added, however, that he is seeking “necessary legal clarification” to ensure the city can replace the officers with civilians so that “police officers can be better deployed on other kinds of police work.”
Until then, officers will deal with “intersection blockage, pedestrian and cyclist compliance and illegal turn movements” at: