Corp Comm Connects

Everest Academy Grand Opening Event

Snapd Vaughan East
June 2016

The grand opening of Everest Academy took place on April 27th at 130 Racco Parkway. The grand opening celebration included a banner unveiling and an official ribbon cutting as well. Special guests from the day featured: Councillor Sandra Racco and Mario Racco, former NHL star Jim Thomson and many more. Everest students are individually supported and encouraged to follow and fully develop their passion. As a result, Everest students become focused, attentive, confident and engaged. They give all of themselves to learning and excelling. They perform better in everything they do. The Everest school program is structured to support excellence and it delivers what they promote. They have lived the dreams the students pursue so share in their mind-set and can provide insight and the mentoring needed to help them succeed. This is a unique aspect of Everest not found in other similar schools.