Interim order seeks reduction in Vaughan variances
May 4, 2016
In an April 15 decision, board member Jason Chee-Hing issued an interim decision to dismiss an appeal by D’Addurno Investments against the City of Vaughan committee of adjustment’s refusal of its minor variance application for 29 Goodman Crescent. D’Addurno sought the variances to permit construction of a one-storey detached dwelling with a loft.
Planner Mark Yarranton (KLM Planning Partners) provided evidence on behalf of D’Addurno and in support of the appeal. He indicated that D’Addurno now proposed to reduce the building height variance from 10.89 to 9.89 metres. He testified the requested variances meet the four tests under the Planning Act and are within the range of other similar minor variance applications approved by the committee of adjustment.
D’Addurno’s solicitor Gerard Borean (Parente Borean) indicated both abutting neighbours supported the proposed dwelling and that the city staff report recommended approval of the minor variances with conditions.
Neighbour Gerhard Schiller attended the hearing in opposition to the appeal. He expressed concern that the proposed home looks like a two-storey dwelling and that the requested variances are not minor.
The board found that the proposed 9.89-metre height does not maintain the general intent of the zoning by-law and is not minor. It indicated concern with the cumulative impact of the three requested variances and issued an interim order giving D’Addurno 10 days to revise its proposal to reduce the massing of the mansard-style roof to make the height of the building compatible with other homes in the neighbourhood.
The board also instructed D’Addurno to reduce the loft area so it would be within the range of approvals given by the committee of adjustment.
The board indicated that if D’Addurno did not wish to revise its height and loft area variances, a final order to dismiss the appeal would be issued.
The solicitor involved in this decision was Gerard Borean (Parente Borean) representing D’Addurno Investments Inc.