Councillor Tony Carella Family Day Skate
Snapd Woodbridge
March 2016
Just as the weather was getting colder that wasn’t enough to stop this great event from taking place. Councillor Tony Carella hosted his Family Day Skate at the Woodbridge Pool and Memorial Arena on 5020 Islington Avenue (Northwest corner of Islington and Highway 7) on Feb. 15th for a day of family fun. The Family Day Skate was for all residents to come out and celebrate the holiday with everyone in the community. The skate took place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm as there was plenty of entertainment and refreshments that went around. The skate was free for all and was enjoyed by all of the guests in attendance. Talk about spending Family Day the right way! The weather held up and Councillor Tony Carella seemed to be having a great time with all of the great company that made their way out. There was hot chocolate, popcorn and cookies provided to all of the kids & their families. Seeing great moments like this one come together is a solid reminder of how strong the community is in Woodbridge!